DIY Kitchen Islands

A small home just screams out for a kitchen island to add workable space. I know mine does! Extra points for wheels and built in stora...

10 Free Cloth Diaper Patterns to help you save money on cloth diapers.

  My “baby” is 11 years old and while raising a preteen can be a challenge, I remember what a challenge it was when she was born. She ...

Love these tips! How to overcome your fears and start trying new DIY projects!

Since neither of us really knew what we were doing either, I’ll give you a rundown of what helped us build the courage to go job-by-jo...

Sew Easy Outdoor Cushion Cover Tutorial/Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer

Hi friends. Has it warmed up enough yet in your area to start thinking about getting your outdoor spaces ready for Spring? We are almo...

A complete guide to creating a landscape you'll love!

I have really enjoyed sharing my landscaping makeovers and hearing all of the awesome feedback. It was a lot of hard work that is real...